The President is responsible generally for presiding over Club meetings, representing the Club, and leading the development of the Club and its activities, all within the requirements of the Club’s Constitution and Associations Incorporation Regulations.
Supports the President in their role and runs club meetings in the President's absence
• documentation and communication of Committee activities
• preparation of meeting agendas and minutes for General meetings and Committee meetings
• receipt and dissemination of Club email and mail correspondence
• primary administration officer of the Committee, providing the link between the Committee, Members and outside stakeholders
• Oversees club finances, collects dues, and receives other monies,
• Completes and submits the annual financial report to the Public Officer each year for lodgement with NSW Fair Trading Department by the stated deadline;
• Maintains and supervises club bank accounts;
• Ensures that there is more than one signatory on all bank accounts;
• Ensures that adequate budget and financial controls are maintained;
• Prepares and submits financial statements to the president and the committee on a regular basis, i.e. committee meetings or at minimum quarterly;
• Pays all club bills on time.
• welcoming new Members and introducing them to the Club
• maintaining a register of Members
• liaising with the National Association magazine editor to provide details of Members receiving the Australian Austin-Healey magazine
• managing membership renewals
Provides assistance to members by providing information about technical issues of their Austin-Healeys.
Public Relations Officer
• manages the creation and maintenance of the club's image.
Records points for attendance at AHOC events